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Quantitative [Macro] Economics

This module provides students who have a mathematical background with an introduction to macroeconomics. It is taught using a mathematical approach, with the focus on providing an intuitive understanding to core economic theory, which will also include ‘real world’ applications. Graphical analysis will also be used to illustrate key concepts, giving students a different way of examining problems that will complement the mathematics skills learnt in other modules.

Week One | Introduction to Macroeconomics #

  • Macroeconomics, Global Edition Paperback – by Olivier Blanchard [Available in Library]

    • Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
  • Macroeconomics: International Student Edition by Jones, Charles I. [Available in Library]

    • Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
  • Our World in Data [Available Online]

Week Two & Three | Economic Growth #

  • Intermediate Macroeconomics, by Julio Garin, Robert Lester, Eric Sims [Available Online]

    • Chapter 5 and Chapter 7
  • Macroeconomics: International Student Edition by Jones, Charles I. [Available in Library]

    • Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5
  • Macroeconomics: International Student Edition by Jones, Charles I. [Available in Library]

    • Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3

Week Four & Five | Capital Markets and Exchange Rates #

  • International Macroeconomics: A Modern Approach, by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé, Martín Uribe, and Michael Woodford [Available in Library & Moodle]
    • Chapter 11 and Chapter 12

Week Siz & Seven | Unemployment #

  • Macroeconomics, Global Edition Paperback by Stephen Williamson [Available in Library]
    • Chapter 6

Week Eight, Nine & Ten | Inflation, IS-MP-PC, AS-AD Analysis #

  • Macroeconomics: International Student Edition by Jones, Charles I. [Available in Library]

    • Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13

Week Ten (if time allows!) | Public Debt and Soverign Debt Default #

  • Macroeconomics, Global Edition Paperback – by Olivier Blanchard [Available in Library]

    • Chapter 22
  • Foundations of International Macroeconomics, M. Obstfeld and K. Rogoff (1996). [Available in Library]

    • Sections 6.1