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Exciting News! Funding Granted for Innovative Research-led Teaching in Economics

EC916 Topics in Global Finance

I am thrilled to share that I have recently been awarded approximately £10K in funding from the Department of Economics for three dynamic projects, each designed to merge empirical research with educational innovation in finance and economics.

Central Bank Communication and Climate Change #

In my first research endeavor, I will be analyzing the communication strategies of central banks in the face of the climate crisis. This project employs natural language processing techniques to evaluate and rank the effectiveness of their communication related to climate change policies. Read more about this project.

Monetary Policy Surprises and Futures Markets #

The second research project focuses on the US monetary policy’s impact on futures markets. We’ll explore how policy shifts influence market behaviors and trends, providing students with practical experience in financial data analysis and econometric techniques. Read more about this project.

A Data-based Introduction to Macroeconomics Course Design #

Finally, the teaching project aims to develop a cutting-edge macroeconomics course integrating Python programming with economic theory. This course will empower undergraduates and graduates to engage with real-world macroeconomic data, blending data management, analysis, and programming skills. Read more about this project.